- Blog (continued)
- Reviewing (continued)
- Writing
- "Cold" equivalent potential temperature?
- "Conclusions and Discussion"? What should you call the last section of your paper?
- "Don't use the same word twice."
- "Improving Together: Better Science Writing Through Peer Learning"
- "Over" versus "more than"
- "Redefining the peer-review literature"
- "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks
- "Utilize" versus "Use"
- <I>English Communication for Scientists</I>
- 10 grammar rules you can forget: how to stop worrying and write proper
- 10 Tips on How to Write Less Badly
- A figure in need of help
- A great title (Bryan 2005)
- A heretical parenthetical thought
- A note on good research practice: Dooley (2013)
- A subjective discussion of the meanings of "subjective" and "objective"
- A title in need of some help
- Advice on providing better feedback...
- Advice to writers: Treat it like teaching
- American versus British English
- An abstract that says nothing
- An example of an excellent figure
- An example of eloquent science (V. E. Suomi 1979)
- An example of why hyphens are necessary
- An unfortunate order of words
- Another common mistake in least squares fitting
- Appendix B: Commonly Misused Scientific Words and Expressions
- Appropriate way to label axes of graphs
- Are first-person pronouns acceptable in scientific writing?
- Are students prepared for university-level writing?
- Arial is a cheap imitation of Helvetica
- Automation of literature reviews
- Avoid hyperbole in scientific writing.
- Avoiding pie charts
- Bad Writing and Bad Thinking
- Baloney Detection Kit and
- Be creative in constructing your figures
- Best Practices for Numerical Weather Prediction Studies
- Bob the Angry Flower speaks out against improper apostrophe use
- Bob The Angry Flower: It's vs Its
- Book review: <I>Designing Science Presentations: A Visual Guide to Figures, Papers, Slides, Posters, and More</I>
- Book review: Science Research Writing for Non-Native Speakers of English
- Book Review: Trees, maps, and theorems: Effective communication for rational minds by Jean-luc Duomont
- Can you explain your science using the 1000 most-used words in the English language?
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