For Those About To Punctuate (Correctly), We Salute You: The Best Links If You Need Help With Punctuation
Punctuation Made Simple (Gary Olson, Illinois State Unversity) National Punctuation Day Guide to Punctuation (Larry Trask, University of Sussex) The Tongue and Quill [PDF] (U.S. Air Force)
How do you get to Carnegie Hall? 10,000 Hours has had an interesting series of articles (two of them are here and here) about the creativity originating from working in pairs: think Lennon and McCartney, Joel and Ethan Cohen, Richards and Jagger. In the second installment, Joshua Wolf Shenk said about the two Beatles: The nature of John and Paul’s intimacy evolved over […]
How to Research and Write Effective Case Studies in Meteorology
If you write or review case studies, this open-access article at the Electronic Journal of Severe Storms Meteorology provides 16 tips about how to research and write an effective case study. Schultz, D. M., 2010: How to research and write effective case studies in meteorology. Electronic J. Severe Storms Meteor., 5 (2), 1-18.
Bob The Angry Flower: It’s vs Its
Whether to use colons in titles
March 30, 2010 Filed under Blog, Popular, Presentations, Writing
In Eloquent Science, I discuss my thoughts about colons in titles of scientific articles on pp. 24-25, but only briefly. Dave Mechem (University of Kansas) emailed me to express concern about their overuse in some disciplines like geography, humanities, and some of the social sciences. For an example, take a look at this issue of […]
Bob the Angry Flower speaks out against improper apostrophe use
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Excerpt: Three Items of Essential Reading
This is an excerpt from the For Further Reading section at the end of the book.