Thursday, February 27, 2025

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More thoughts about scientific poster presentations

May 16, 2013   Filed under Blog, Featured, Presentations, Resources  

As our academic year comes to an end and our undergraduate and masters students are busy preparing scientific posters of their dissertation research, I am reminded of why I dread having to grade these posters every year. Students usually just dump their manuscript into a poster template and then trim it down until it fits. […]

Let there be stoning!

May 8, 2013   Filed under Blog, Featured, Presentations, Resources  

Thanks to Bogdan Antonescu for pointing out to me the latest entry in Garr Reynold’s Presentation Zen blog. It discusses an article “Let there be stoning!” written by Jay Lehr about bringing an end to incredibly boring speakers. If only more speakers would follow this advice: The average conference paper is 20 minutes in length. […]

Booed for Keeping Speakers on Time

February 3, 2013   Filed under Blog, Featured, Presentations  

I was session chair at a recent meeting. The meeting was running behind, and they crammed a speaker from the morning session into mine, effectively taking away my 15 minutes of free discussion time at the end. Each slot was 20 minutes long, which as most experienced speakers would infer means that you get 15 […]

Review of Explaining Research by Dennis Meredith

January 16, 2013   Filed under Blog, Featured, Presentations, Resources  

I love to read books, journal articles, and magazines. During the academic semester, I have almost no time to read. I try to catch up during the summers and the Christmas break. This break was no exception, and I got to wrap my fingers around Dennis Meredith’s Explaining Research: How to Reach Key Audiences to […]

Have you heard the one about PowerPoint?

September 26, 2012   Filed under Blog, Featured, Humor, Presentations  

A word about PowerPoint. PowerPoint was released by Microsoft in 1990 as a way to euthanize cattle using a method less cruel than hitting them over the head with iron mallets. After PETA successfully argued in court that PowerPoint actually was more cruel than iron mallets, the program was adopted by corporations for slide show […]

Monkey See, Monkey Do

December 19, 2011   Filed under Blog, Featured, Presentations  

In writing my book and questioning the “standard” approach that people have used to give scientific presentations, I have often wondered if people stick to convention because that’s all they’ve seen. They see an outline slide or a meaningless “thank you!” slide and think, “Yeah, that’s the way to do it right.” The question is […]

Finding common ground with climate-change contrarians

July 18, 2011   Filed under Blog, Featured, Presentations  

This article by Prof. Scott Denning from Colorado State University was published in the UCAR Magazine. He offers three pieces of wisdom for interacting with audiences who may be hostile. 1. Begin from common ground. 2. Engage the audience on a human level. 3. Emphasize the basics. Denning argues that our inability to interact with […]

How science progresses (a cynical viewpoint)

May 29, 2011   Filed under Blog, Featured, Humor, Potpourri, Presentations  

This is one of the most hilarious movies I’ve seen about how science works (or doesn’t work, as the case may be). Although it is a discussion between two physicists, you can imagine your favorite subdisciplines in your own field interacting this way.

Why does nothing this interesting ever happen at any conferences I attend?

May 11, 2011   Filed under Blog, Featured, Humor, Presentations  

From the Huffington Post: Guerrilla improv troupe Improv Everywhere struck again last month at GEL Conference, the annual gathering of tech/social media/business voices in New York City. With the help of GEL founder Mark Hurst, the covert entertainers pulled off one of their signature “Spontaneous Musicals” at the top of Hurst’s presentation. Just as he […]

Take the Pledge: I Won’t Use Map-room Jargon!

April 20, 2011   Filed under Blog, Featured, Posters, Presentations, Reviewing, Writing  

If you regularly attend discussions in the weather-map room, subscribe to weather or storm-chaser discussion lists, or have reviewed articles for Weather, Monthly Weather Review, National Weather Digest, or Weather and Forecasting, then you have been exposed to it. Map-room jargon. Often the speakers of map-room jargon don’t even know what they are doing. (I […]

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