Monday, February 24, 2025

News Feed Comments

Polar Vortex, Redux

December 16, 2014  Filed under Blog, Potpourri, Uncategorized 

Lee Grenci has a lot to say about the polar vortex and its abuse in the media.

Use your middle initial. Appear smarter.

October 31, 2014  Filed under Blog, Featured, Writing 

A coauthor on a paper and I ended up discussing whether scientists should use their middle initial on a paper. An article entitled “The impact of middle names: Middle name initials enhance evaluations of intellectual performance” in the European Journal of Social Psychology addresses this issue. The abstract reads: Middle name initials often appear in […]

How to respond to reviewers: When two reviewers say the same thing

October 31, 2014  Filed under Blog, Featured, Reviewing, Writing 

My coauthors and I were talking about the responses to the reviewers that we were writing for a paper that was in peer review. Because two of the reviewers raised issues about the same item, my coauthor wrote a thoughtful response to Reviewer #1, then, in response to Reviewer #2, said basically, “See our response […]

“Conclusions and Discussion”? What should you call the last section of your paper?

October 2, 2014  Filed under Blog, Featured, Writing 

Astute reader Colin Smith fired the following question my way: I find that many authors call their closing section “Conclusions and discussion”, rather than ‘Discussion and conclusions”. I prefer the latter because, to me, it is logical to first discuss your results in a wider context, and then draw conclusions. However, I also understand why […]

David Byrne: Inspiration for Good Science Writing

August 15, 2014  Filed under Blog, Featured, Potpourri, Writing 

About a month ago, I had finished reading How Music Works by David Byrne (formerly of Talking Heads). I was always a big fan of the music of Talking Heads and Byrne, and I found his movie True Stories quirky. I am a huge musicophile, as well, and when I saw the book on the […]

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