Saturday, February 22, 2025

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Tribute to Jinny Nathans, AMS Archivist and Librarian

July 5, 2020  Filed under Blog, Featured, Potpourri, Uncategorized 

Jinny Nathans (Photo Source: Cambridge Rotary Club) It is devastating to hear that Jinny Nathans passed away this past week due to COVID-19. From American Meteorological Society Executive Director Keith Seitter: “I’m sorry to report that AMS staff lost one of its own to COVID-19. Longtime archivist and librarian Jinny Nathans died this past Sunday. […]

Eloquent Science Workshops for Your Organization

I am delivering online and in-person workshops on scientific-communication skills designed specifically for your needs.

Chapter 5: “The Motivation to Write”, plus Video: “Overcoming Barriers to Writing”

March 30, 2020  Filed under Articles, Blog, Excerpts, Featured, Writing 

“Writing can be a struggle, or it can be fun. Most likely it is both. The attitude with which we approach the writing project can determine its success. Lack of motivation and writer’s block can prevent us from beginning, continuing, completing, and enjoying writing projects. This chapter provides strategies for overcoming these obstacles to our […]

Chapter 24: Accessible Oral Presentations: Free to download

September 11, 2019  Filed under Blog, Excerpts, Featured, Presentations 

“Most of the time at conferences is spent listening to others talk. Given the over- whelming challenge for the audience to sit through, absorb, and remember mate- rial from all these presentations, a speaker must be memorable to connect with the audience. As the previous chapters focused on scientific writing, this chapter starts by distinguishing […]

Please don’t pass a review invitation onto your student or colleague

June 23, 2019  Filed under Blog, Featured, Reviewing, Reviews 

From time to time, I get reviewers who need to decline a review invitation, but instead tell me that they’ve passed on their review invitation to a student or colleague. The invitee may think that they are helping out the editor (in some cases, they are), but there are good reasons why they should not […]

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