Eliminate excessive and unnecessary acronyms from your scientific writing
Source: https://sspinnovations.com/blog/know-your-gis-and-non-gis-abbreviations-acronyms-and-initialisms/ I can’t say that there was a specific moment when I noticed it happening more often. Either it is increasing in frequency or it is testing my patience more these days. That is the tendency for authors to introduce numerous and unnecessary acronyms in their manuscripts. These authors abbreviate phrases, geographical locations, and […]
Chinese translation of Eloquent Science now available
Thanks to the hard work of colleagues, there is a Chinese-language translation of Eloquent Science now available. A huge thank you to translators Haijiang Kong, Yan Han, Feimiao Zhao, M. Song, and Jidong Gao, who worked hard over many years to get this out. I am especially grateful to Haijiang who was the one who […]
Get your paper accepted faster: Responding to reviewers’ comments
July 10, 2021 Filed under Articles, Blog, Featured, Publishing, Reviewing, Uncategorized, Writing
Getting your manuscript accepted at a journal can typically take one to three rounds of back and forth with reviewers, each round taking one to three months. In my experience as Editor, sometimes the process could go faster because of things that the author could have done better or done differently when writing their responses […]
Handout: Common Errors in Student Science Writing
For many years, I have compiled a list of common errors that my students have made in writing scientific papers. I have printed it out and handed it out to several cohorts of first-year undergraduate students over the past few years. I hope this short guide to student writing has helped them improve. It’s been […]
“Don’t use the same word twice.”
There’s always that memory that you have from your childhood that still influences your life today. When I was probably 8 years old, someone showed me a centipede on the ground and then said, “Don’t touch it. It’s poisonous.” Of course, now I know better, but I still can’t help but be unrealistically reluctant today. […]