Monday, February 24, 2025

News Feed Comments

Advice on providing better feedback…

May 3, 2014  Filed under Blog, Featured, Potpourri, Writing 

Our advisors coated the drafts of our writing in red ink. And, we, in turn, coat the drafts of our students’ writing in red ink. Does the volume of red ink challenge students to improve their writing, or do they just shrug it off (for any number of reasons)? I was just reading an article […]

Improving communication skills through writing groups

April 30, 2014  Filed under Blog, Featured, Potpourri, Presentations, Writing 

Liveblog (Vienna, Austria): Later today and tomorrow, I’ll be talking to ClimateSnack‘s Mathew Reeve about improving communication skills for scientists. This got me thinking more about what ClimateSnack is trying to do. This graphic shows it well. It is about getting scientists to become better communicators with other scientists through short Climate Snack blog posts. […]

Speaker tips

April 28, 2014  Filed under Blog, Featured, Presentations 

Liveblog (Vienna, Austria): We’re four talks into the European Geosciences Union General Assembly (#EGU2014). Already we have seen how some speakers could improve their presentations. 1. Too many graphs on one slide that are spoken about too quickly, if they are spoken about at all. 2. Font sizes too small to be seen, even when […]

I’ll be blogging the European Geosciences Union General Assembly

April 25, 2014  Filed under Blog, Featured, News 

We’ll be blogging and tweeting (@EloquentScience) away at the 2014 European Geosciences Union General Assembly next week in Vienna, Austria. Get tips on how to improve your presentation. Find out who’s been naughty and who’s been nice. 😉 You can follow me and all the other bloggers and tweeters at

Thoughts on the impact factors and other metrics: Royal Meteorological Society journals

March 31, 2014  Filed under Blog, Featured, Publishing 

Recently, I’ve been having some discussions with people about the impact factors for the Royal Meteorological Society journals (Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Weather, Meteorological Applications, Atmospheric Science Letters, and International Journal of Climatology). The issues of how to raise impact factors for journals are not simple. The impact factors of nearly all […]

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