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Chinese translation of Eloquent Science now available

November 5, 2021 Filed under Articles, Blog, Featured, News, Popular, Resources 

Thanks to the hard work of colleagues, there is a Chinese-language translation of Eloquent Science now available.

A huge thank you to translators Haijiang Kong, Yan Han, Feimiao Zhao, M. Song, and Jidong Gao, who worked hard over many years to get this out. I am especially grateful to Haijiang who was the one who started this process moving and was the principal force in seeing it through.

Here are the places that it can be purchased at:

Here is a QR code that can apparently be used to purchase the book from the publisher, China Meteorological Press.

The China Meteorological Press issued an advertisement on their official account (

Schultz, D. M., 2021: 论文写作、科技交流与审稿: 成为杰出科学家的必由之路 [Paper Writing, Scientific and Technological Exchanges and Manuscript Review: The Only Way to Become an Outstanding Scientist], translated by H. Kong, Y. Han, F. Zhao, M. Song, and J. Gao, China Meteorological Press, 316 pp.

order at

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