Thursday, March 27, 2025

News Feed Comments

“Don’t use the same word twice.”

July 15, 2020   Filed under Articles, Blog, Featured, Potpourri, Publishing, Reviewing, Writing  

There’s always that memory that you have from your childhood that still influences your life today. When I was probably 8 years old, someone showed me a centipede on the ground and then said, “Don’t touch it. It’s poisonous.” Of course, now I know better, but I still can’t help but be unrealistically reluctant today. […]

Tribute to Jinny Nathans, AMS Archivist and Librarian

July 5, 2020   Filed under Blog, Featured, Potpourri, Uncategorized  

Jinny Nathans (Photo Source: Cambridge Rotary Club) It is devastating to hear that Jinny Nathans passed away this past week due to COVID-19. From American Meteorological Society Executive Director Keith Seitter: “I’m sorry to report that AMS staff lost one of its own to COVID-19. Longtime archivist and librarian Jinny Nathans died this past Sunday. […]

Eloquent Science Workshops for Your Organization

I am delivering online and in-person workshops on scientific-communication skills designed specifically for your needs.

Chapter 5: “The Motivation to Write”, plus Video: “Overcoming Barriers to Writing”

March 30, 2020   Filed under Articles, Blog, Excerpts, Featured, Writing  

“Writing can be a struggle, or it can be fun. Most likely it is both. The attitude with which we approach the writing project can determine its success. Lack of motivation and writer’s block can prevent us from beginning, continuing, completing, and enjoying writing projects. This chapter provides strategies for overcoming these obstacles to our […]