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Free Writing and Publishing Online Workshop: 19–20 June 2024

April 12, 2024 Filed under Blog, Featured, News, Publishing, Uncategorized, Writing 

Join Prof. David Schultz of the University of Manchester for a free 6-hour workshop on writing and publishing. During this two-day workshop, you will learn the process of peer review from an experienced and interdisciplinary author, reviewer, and editor. Get behind-the-scenes insight into how to better prepare your manuscript for submission, engage with the reviewers and editor, and ensure a positive outcome for your manuscript. Delve into the concepts that all writers need to learn to write clear, concise, and understandable text. Learn the secrets of writing your dissertation and defending it in a viva.

Prof. Schultz has published 200 peer-reviewed journal articles, served as reviewer for 60 different journals, and served as editor for several journals. His award-winning book, Eloquent Science: A Practical Guide to Becoming a Better Writer, Speaker and Atmospheric Scientist (, has been translated into Chinese, and the eBook is freely available from many university libraries:

All times in British Summer Time (UTC+1).

Day 1: 19 June 1300–1600: The Publishing Process
1. Why publish?
2. How do I publish?
3. How do peer review, editors and journals work?
4. Do I have publishable science?
5. How to prepare my research for submission
6. How to attract an audience for my paper
7. Writing effective titles, abstracts, and introductions
8. Writing the other parts of the paper
9. Secrets of journal editors: Behind the scenes of peer review
10. How to respond to reviewers
11. What to do in case of rejection

Day 2: 20 June 1300–1600: The Writing Process, Dissertations, and Vivas
1. General writing and editing tips
2. Writing short and sharp science text
3. Ensuring your writing flows
4. Keeping it short
5. Write what you mean to say
6. How to reference and cite
7. How to write-up and defend your dissertation
8. Developing your career through writing and publishing

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