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Why study duck penises?

April 5, 2013 Filed under Blog, Featured 

If you ever needed an eloquent argument for funding basic science, please read this excellent editorial by Patricia Brennan.

A particular highlight:

Investment in the NSF [National Science Foundation, the U.S. government agency that funds scientific research] is just over $20 per year per person, while it takes upward of $2,000 per year per person to fund the military.

order at


3 Responses to “Why study duck penises?”
  1. Chuck Doswell says:

    The link to the editorial gave me a “page not found” response …

  2. Prof. David M. Schultz says:

    Fixed, Chuck. Thanks!

  3. James Correia Jr says:

    And an odd TED video to match the subject matter. Discovery can be quite odd at times:

    Are you close enough to celebrate Dead Duck Day?