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Can you explain your science using the 1000 most-used words in the English language?

February 17, 2013 Filed under Blog, Featured, Humor, Resources, Writing 

Give it a shot here:

(The title Up Goer 5 refers to xkcd’s comic of trying to explain the Saturn 5 rocket blueprint using only those 1000 words.)

(From Jim Steenburgh and his student John; Image from

order at


2 Responses to “Can you explain your science using the 1000 most-used words in the English language?”
  1. Jay says:

    This is brilliant. Here’s what I got:

    I use a number box to study how air moves so that warm air, cold air, dry air, wet air, slow air and fast air change how a fire not in a house moves through trees and other things that burn.


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