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National Weather Center Eloquent Science Workshop

September 11, 2010 Filed under Blog, News 

NORMAN, OKLAHOMA (27 August 2010): J.J. Gourley of the NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory in Norman, Oklahoma, hosted me for an all-day Eloquent Science workshop at the National Weather Center as part of the NSSL Colloquium Series.

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3 Responses to “National Weather Center Eloquent Science Workshop”
  1. Tom Pagano says:

    Looks fascinating. Do you know if there’ll be links to ppt/pdfs?

  2. Prof. David M. Schultz says:

    Hi Tom,

    A common question. These are my reasons for not making my slides available:



  3. JJ Gourley says:

    Dave (and Tom; “Hi” by the way and where are you these days?!?),

    I’m the one who put in the request for Dave’s slides based on attendee suggestions, so I feel I should shed a little light on this issue. First, I completely agree with issues regarding intellectual property. This argument alone, in my opinion, is sufficient to nullify the argument of making slides (especially ppts, not pdfs) available to the public. But, I must say the requests I got for the slides from the NWC workshop were exclusively from workshop attendees who 1) bought the book or at least have access to it and 2) were generally from a background who did not speak English natively. It was my impression these Asian students didn’t follow the anecdotal stories (which were great!) and felt as if they missed some material that might be contained in the slides.

    Regardless, we had 75 registered attendees and the workshop was A HUGE SUCCESS!!! We had some initial discussions about the University and/or the NWC hosting Dave again in the spring for another workshop. In my opinion, the information presented at the workshop is absolutely essential for graduate students as well as government researchers and university faculty.

    JJ Gourley