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Terrible use of jargon

April 9, 2010 Filed under Blog, Writing 

2010-04-05 The Future of Family Science

Stan J. Knapp of Brigham Young University conditionally
prognosticates a jargon-free future for his fellow family

“Authorizing Family Science: An Analysis of the Objectifying
Practices of Family Science Discourse,” Stan J. Knapp, Journal of
Marriage and Family, vol. 64, no. 4 (Nov., 2002), pp. 1038-1048.
<>. Knapp sums up his entire

“Contemporary objectifying practices in family science discourse,
grounded in an objectivist epistemological framework, often
deauthorize the scientific text and fail to frame the constructs
in an explicit argumentative and theoretical context…. Adopting
an alternative set of objectifying practices, grounded in a
constructionist epistemological framework that aims to fully
authorize and advance its knowledge claims in an open, self-
reflexive, argumentative process will invigorate the importance
of theory in the field and promote the production of more
empirically justifiable and scientific knowledge claims about

from The mini-Annals of Improbable Research (“mini-AIR”)
April 2010, issue number 2010-04. ISSN 1076-500X.

Image source: here.

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2 Responses to “Terrible use of jargon”
  1. Jeff Fisher says:

    I found this post and absolutely had to add it to my rather new BLOG. Thank you!

    Jeffrey Fisher


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